I was a stranger and you welcomed me.
Matthew 25:35
Welcome to
Mount Olive UMC
in Randallstown, MD
Service Times
11:00 am Sunday Service in the Main Sanctuary
5115 Old Court Road
Randallstown, MD 21133
Use the ZOOM Link to join 11:00 worship service virtually.
Bible Study on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
Bible Study will start on September 11th, 2024. Text: Disciplines Of The Spirit by Howard Thurman.
ZOOM Login: 872 5774 7770 Passcode: 961604
Announcing Our New Pastor: Rev. Isaiah Redd Sr.
Mount Olive welcomes our new pastor, Rev. Isaiah Redd Sr. and his family.
January 2, 2023
Loaves and Fishes Pantry at Mount Olive United Methodist Church Receives Donation from Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation
Feeding the Hungry grant addresses food insecurity; supports nutrition education
RANDALLSTOWN, MD – Loaves and Fishes Pantry at Mount Olive received $2,000 from the Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation to help nourish neighbors experiencing hunger. The Feeding the Hungry grant supports Loaves and Fishes Pantry at Mount OIive’s efforts to provide nutritious food to neighbors in need who come to our four-day-a-week pantry. The grant will be used to purchase needed food, increase capacity to serve more neighbors and introduce new, healthy ways to prepare food at their monthly community meal. In addition, the grants support community feeding partners by helping neighbors increase their access to nutritious food and providing nutrition education to eliminate health risks for those experiencing food insecurity.
As many neighbors experienced reduced SNAP (Supplemental Assistance Program) benefits, the numbers of neighbors coming to the pantry each week has increased. The monthly food cost ranges from $1200 to $2000 and the pantry depends on food and monetary donations as well as grant funds to continue to operate. As a partner organization of the Maryland Food Bank the mission of Loaves and Fishes at Mount Olive Pantry is to provide nutritious food, operate as a neighbor-choice pantry (neighbors select their own food) and provide resources to support the movement from food insecurity to food security.
The Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation is committed to supporting families facing food insecurity across its 10-state footprint. Established in 2001, the foundation provides financial support for programs and organizations dedicated to feeding local neighbors in the communities it serves. Since its inception, the foundation has awarded more than $18.1 million in grants.
About The Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation
The Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Food Lion, based in Salisbury, N.C. Established in 2001, the Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation provides financial support for programs and organizations dedicated to eliminating hunger. The charitable foundation has provided more than $18.1 million in grant funding, helping to nourish communities with fresh food for backpack programs, Kids Café’s, and other hunger-relief programs as well as funding for long-term programs to help shorten the lines at food banks. The charitable foundation partners with Feeding America, the nation’s largest hunger-relief agency, in addition to local food agencies serving the 10 Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic states in which Food Lion operates. For more information, visit www.foodlion.com/pages/food-lion-feeds.
About Food Lion
Food Lion is an omnichannel retailer committed to nourishing its neighbors during the moments that matter most. More than 82,000 associates across 1,100+ stores deliver an easy, fresh and affordable shopping experience throughout 10 Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic states. Through its ‘Count on me’ culture, Food Lion fosters a sense of belonging for all associates, promoting a diverse and inclusive environment that has supported LGBTQ+ equality for nearly two decades. Food Lion is the only company in the country to be named an ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year for 22 consecutive years. It also pioneered a food rescue program to support food-insecure neighbors. Through Food Lion Feeds, the retailer has donated more than 1 billion meals to individuals and families since 2014 and has committed to donate 1.5 billion meals by 2025. Founded and based in Salisbury, N.C., since 1957, Food Lion is a company of Ahold Delhaize USA, the U.S. division of Zaandam-based Ahold Delhaize. For more information, visit foodlion.com. ###
Mount Olive Receives Chesapeake Bay Trust Design Grant
“The Chesapeake Bay Trust (the Trust) thanks the Mount Olive United Methodist Church for your proposal to the Green Streets, Green Jobs, Green Towns Award Program.” The grant approved $30,175 for engineered designs for two micro-bioretention areas, a grass swale, and pavement removal at the Mount Olive United Methodist Church. The contract for the design was awarded to BayLand Consultants and Designers, Inc . Program partners are the United States Environmental Protection Agency Region 3, Chesapeake Bay Program, and the Chesapeake Bay Trust.
Mount Olive Receives Second Grant From the Hardy Plant Society/Mid-Atlantic Group
We are overjoyed and thankful to receive a 2023 grant from the Hardy Plant Society/Mid-Atlantic Group to provide funds for Shared Harvest Cooperative Community Garden at Mount Olive. Last year with funds from the society, we expanded the garden to provide over 160 pounds of fresh vegetables to our pantry neighbors. Our 2023 harvest is 303 pounds. Volunteers to help us in this effort are welcome and needed.
Mount Olive Receives Grant From the Maryland Food Bank
The Capacity Building Grant was awarded in June 2023 to “expand pantry neighbor choice and provide access to fresh produce through expanded cold storage and community garden shed/supplies.” We are thankful to be able to serve more people and to provide healthy food choices. The Loaves and Fishes Pantry at Mount Olive also received a grant in 2022.
Mount Olive “Awarded” and Planted Twenty-Two Trees
Mount Olive was one of seven Baltimore area churches to receive trees from the Chesapeake Bay Trust Urban Tree Planting Initiative. On October 25, 2022, in collaboration with the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake, Mount Olive planted twenty-two trees around the property.
Ways to Get Involved
Worship Ministry
Loaves & Fishes
Prayer Ministry
United Methodist Women
Youth Group
Computer Lab
Green Team
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Community Outreach & Service