Loaves and Fishes at Mount Olive

Serving the community since 2013

“Taking the five loaves and two fishes,” Jesus fed “about five thousand men, besides women and children.”  Matthew 14:18-21

 Loaves and Fishes Pantry

Change in Operation. After over a decade of operating as a four-day-a-week pantry, lack of staffing has resulted in changing our hours of operation. Until future notice, we will be open on Monday and Wednesday from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm by appointment only to provide food for those in need.

Loaves and Fishes Community Meal 

 Join us each month for our third Saturday Community Meal. Come and enjoy a meal with neighbors and friends. Those in need of food assistance are invited to participate in our food distribution. 

Where to Find Food Near You 

Visit the Maryland Food Bank site to find food in your community. We are proud partners with this incredible organization.  

Find Food Near Me | Maryland Food Bank (mdfoodbank.org)


“I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.”  Mathew 25:34


Volunteers are the “engine” of this ministry. Volunteers pack and distribute groceries, prepare and distribute meals, and help clean up. Complete the contact form or email or call the church if you are interested in volunteering. Students needing community service hours are always welcome.

Volunteers are also invited to assist with our Shared Harvest Cooperative Community Garden where we grow vegetable for distribution to our pantry neighbors.

Become one of our “Food Angels.” When we are low on certain foods  for the pantry, our wonderful food angels equipped with a shopping list provided by the pastor, shop for what is needed. They are a blessings.

 Monetary Donations

We partner with the Maryland Food Bank for most of the food we distribute. Your monetary donation allows us to provide more food than we could purchase at a retail store.  You may donate online to Loaves and Fishes Pantry or by mailing a check to the church. If you donate by check, make it payable to Mount Olive UMC and indicate “Loaves and Fishes” on the notation line.


We sincerely thank you for your support of this vital ministry.

In Kind Donations
  • Canned goods such as soups, fruits, tuna, salmon, vegetables, stews
  • Packaged goods such as cereal, spaghetti, pasta sauce, peanut butter.
Loaves and Fisher
Loaves and Fishes Pantry